Hi, I'm Kelsey, a recent college grad with the world at my fingertips. I hope to share a little glimpse of my life through this space.... I've got big dreams and I'm gonna chase 'em.
As I go, I'll walk with the knowledge that I am never alone.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Daddys Wisdom

Oh my... How He slaps me in the face sometimes! I am so blessed with the most wonderful family. In my search for a vehicle I've gone through some ups and downs, frustrations, and definitely fears. I found myself in front of a saleswoman with a pen and piece of paper. Decisions needed to be made. I was nervous. I needed back up. I called my Nanny for help. Little did I know My wonderful father would teach me a huge lesson.

My Father told me to avoid that dealership. A new car wasn't the wise thing for me. As I car shopped with my Daddy I couldn't resist pulling into the parking lot. In doing so I was disobedient. To say the least I got approved for the car, but something stopped me, I couldn't sign. I felt a peace about it and walked away. The next day my Nanny stopped my Daddy and I as we were leaving. She said she had gotten the strangest call- a woman needed to sell her car.

My Daddy began to tell me a story about how he had been disobedient before and how his Father had shown him the repercussions. I was enlightened, convicted, and reminded of my own disobedience. I will not be returning to the dealership and I will follow my Fathers words to another car. Maybe it will be the Honda my Nanny received the call about, maybe not. Either way, Wisdom of many years was poured atop me from my Daddy and Nanny. I'm better today than I was yesterday. I am so thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Praise God!!! And there were prayers being said that you knew nothing about!! You are learning the value of family and of the wisdom in your elders. You can always know God's will about something if you feel HIS peace over it. He will guide your steps. It's not always the answers we WANT but it is the answers we NEED! I am so thankful that you received God's guidance about the car. And let me say that your Nanny has given me advice over the years that has been invaluable. I wouldn't trade her for a million!! There is wisdom in age. I love you doll and I know God will lead you to the car He has meant for you!
