Hi, I'm Kelsey, a recent college grad with the world at my fingertips. I hope to share a little glimpse of my life through this space.... I've got big dreams and I'm gonna chase 'em.
As I go, I'll walk with the knowledge that I am never alone.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Time to catch up

It's been a little while since I've written! Life is busy as a college student, especially during the last few weeks of classes. I am officially done with 2 of my classes! By Friday I'll be ALL done for the semester and I'll only have 1 more semester at Berry left. It's so surreal to think I am going to be a college graduate in 5 short months! I know I just need to keep believing that good things are in the future for me and that I AM taken care of by a wonderful Father.

Christmas is in the air and that makes me happier than happy! I love this time of year! Everyone is so jolly and thankful. People take time to thank those they love, tell friends they appreciate them, and just do those "little" things. I wish we realized that these things are just as important in July as they are in December.... :)

I'm getting ready to close down shop for Christmas break and hopefully de-stress ALOT while home and away from work and school. I'm going on a trip to Gatlinburg with a group of friends from Berry/Rome. It's a yearly tradition I look forward to. These people keep me sane, keep me laughing, and keep my spirit bright. I love them dearly! I cannot wait to spend a few days nestled in the mountains with them having a ball!


  1. Sounds like fun!!! Maybe that's what we need as well!! Sorry we missed you this weekend. Heard you were home. Looking forward to our family time over the Holidays.

    Love you bunches!!!

  2. Yes I was for just about 24 hours! Trev wanted to take a spontaneous trip to watch some Ehall basketball so I said SURE! :) Can't wait to see you guys for Christmas!
