Hi, I'm Kelsey, a recent college grad with the world at my fingertips. I hope to share a little glimpse of my life through this space.... I've got big dreams and I'm gonna chase 'em.
As I go, I'll walk with the knowledge that I am never alone.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


One of my BEST friends from Berry is studying abroad this semester in England! I am sad that she's not here for my last semester... but I know we'll keep in touch. ANYWAY, she called me not too long ago on her skype phone line, which was a total surprise! The number was completely random and I almost didn't answer--SO glad I did! It was so good to hear her voice!

Well, we facebook message each other occasionally and today we were talking a bit. She shared her blog with me! It's GREAT!!! She does "Monday Videos" which are totally cool! If I had a good quality camera I'd totally do that on here! I've been watching all her videos and reading up on how her life has been in England. It sounds so fun and interesting! Studying abroad has got to be one of the coolest experiences ever! It gets me sooo excited for China! I won't be doing schoolwork while I'm there, but if you ask me that makes it all the better!

Long story short, I'm glad we have the technology to stay connected these days. I know some folks criticize this and say we all might me "too connected". The truth is, it's human nature to seek out companionship. Facebook, twitter, skype, blogs... they are all ways to reconnect and seek that companionship. Today, I'm especially thankful for the world of technology for providing me access to a dear friend who is far far away! :)

The end,

xx (kisses,kisses-this is what they do in England, Caitlin says)

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