Hi, I'm Kelsey, a recent college grad with the world at my fingertips. I hope to share a little glimpse of my life through this space.... I've got big dreams and I'm gonna chase 'em.
As I go, I'll walk with the knowledge that I am never alone.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

35 days and counting...


There are officially 35 days left until I board a plane to CHINA! Isn't that insane!! I want to start updating this blog daily on how support is going, things I'm learning, what God is teaching me through this process, etc. This is also a way for all my WONDERFULLY FAITHFUL supporters to follow me along the way and see how things are going!

Today I decided to help support a friend of mine on her trip to Haiti.... although money is tight and I also had to pay tuition :/ (for the last time, thankfully) I really felt led to give to her trip. This is the first time I've financially supported someone else to go overseas, but I felt as though it was something I needed to do. In going through support raising for China I've seen first hand just how hard it is, and how much faith, time, and true dedication it takes! Now I have a heart for helping others and blessing them with what little I can give. I hope this won't be a fleeting moment and that I'll be able to give to other students, individuals, or groups in the future and that I'll do so with a willing heart. If you read this Bethanne, good luck and I'll be praying for you!!!!!!!!!!

Every day as the time gets closer and closer to go to China I get more and more and MORE excited. In the past I've found myself putting my relationship with Christ on the back-burner for school or friendships or whatever "fun" thing was happening- things have changed since I was asked to go on this trip. I've been motivated in my spirit to put spiritual matters and this trip as a priority in my life. Whereas I used to spend hours looking at photography and Facebook now I spend hours working on raising support and praying about my heart going into this trip. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to go. Even if some random event happens that keeps me in the US, God put me on this journey to draw me closer to him--no doubt.

Since Monday I believe I've raised about $200 more dollars for China! Although it doesn't seem like a lot to some it's a big amount to me-- about 4% of the remaining cost... if every week I raised at least $200 I'd have $1000 raised by the time I left for China. Although that would still put me about $3000 short it is still encouraging to know I've got support coming in and that God will fulfill his promises for me!

Here is a more clear breakdown of the support I've raised so far!

TOTAL needed: $6,000
Raised 4/6: $1,745
NEEDED: $4,255

I'm having a yard sale at home (Gainesville, GA) on the Saturday April 23! Please be praying that we bring in several hundred dollars in sales and maybe even more with donations of change and checks! :) I appreciate each and every one of you for your prayers, support, and help with getting me to China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Hey! I am mailing my check out tomorrow!! Where are you going to have your yard sale at??

  2. THANKS SO MUCH! We are trying to decide between Tiller's old barn right on Old Cornelia and a few other places- we'll probably have it there though because there's lots of space for parking, etc. We have to call them, though.If you can help/donate things I would appreciate it SO much!!
