Hi, I'm Kelsey, a recent college grad with the world at my fingertips. I hope to share a little glimpse of my life through this space.... I've got big dreams and I'm gonna chase 'em.
As I go, I'll walk with the knowledge that I am never alone.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Wanted:Study Break

Have I mentioned lately that I'm DONE with school--put a fork in me! :) These last few weeks have been SO hard. I just want to socialize, studying or writing papers is the last thing on my mind. I think it's because I know my time with these people is almost up and I just want to spend every second with them possible!!!! I love them dearly and I'm not ready to leave them just yet! :(

I also wanted to give everyone a little China update! Support has started to come in! I'm so thankful and VERY blessed by a wonderful supportive family! It was pretty much down to the wire- I needed to raise a significant amount within 2 days or I wasn't going to be able to go on the trip! God really came through and he lit a fire within me to start heavily pursuing my supporters and I raised enough to still be able to go! I am still FAR from the $6000 mark (I've raised somewhere right under $2,000). I know God will provide for me and my team, though! Just about every day these last 2 weeks I've either gotten support checks or heard from someone who wants to give! It's been so cool to see God provide!

I have been trying to learn some Chinese words/saying as well as things about their culture through my Language Partners. I love emailing with them and just getting to know who they are, what they like, how they do things in China, and what school is like there! I love getting to learn about new cultures, it's so interesting so see the differences amongst us all! Here are some pictures of China from my language partner:


  1. Ni Hao!! Glad you are doing well!

    I haven't forgot my support check. I will get it mailed this week. Promise.

    Enjoy what time you have left at school....real life beckons :-)

    Love you!!

  2. Ni Hao to you!! (I've learned that saying as well as "I love you") from my language partners. I am also in the middle of getting a Chinese name which I am REALLY excited about!!!!!

    I will look for the check so you'll know it has been received! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

    Love you!
