Hi, I'm Kelsey, a recent college grad with the world at my fingertips. I hope to share a little glimpse of my life through this space.... I've got big dreams and I'm gonna chase 'em.
As I go, I'll walk with the knowledge that I am never alone.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Brighter Days

I don't have much to blog about today except for the fact that I am SO EXCITED! I don't have a particular reason other than existence, blessings, and love. However, I am just pumped beyond belief! Also, I'm not tired at all! I know it isn't caffeine, because I haven't had any! Who knows..... I am just so so so excited yesterday and today. These few days have just been "bright" in every way.

I have decided to start a "Graduation Countdown". I figure this is a pretty big milestone in one's life, even if I sort of feel like its "no big deal". Maybe it's still surreal... anyway...

109 DAYS

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