Hi, I'm Kelsey, a recent college grad with the world at my fingertips. I hope to share a little glimpse of my life through this space.... I've got big dreams and I'm gonna chase 'em.
As I go, I'll walk with the knowledge that I am never alone.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Im emotional because Im human

Only about 72 more days left until graduation. I, Kelsey Trusty, will be a college graduate... what??? This just seems like it isn't reality to me!! How did I get here? How did this come to be? How am I so connected to this place? The people here and the experiences I've had have completely changed my life!

I can feel a mighty presence in my life. I know that being in a position of complete doubt gives Him room to move and work in your life like never before... I'm in that position now.

For you who don't know, I'll update you on my plans after graduation! I've applied for Nursing school, and I've also applied for a fellowship in Atlanta with the Woodruff Foundation. I've been praying A LOT about what God wants for me and what he would have me do to honor him. I haven't heard back from Nursing school or the fellowship just yet. I remain patient. I know my God is mighty and the plans he has for me are far better than ANYTHING I could ever imagine. The verse I've been reminded of constantly is Ephesians 3:20. I'm not worried at all, but I'm very excited instead! These next few years are going to be amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Indeed they are sweet girl....Indeed they are!!!
    You have so much to look forward to. We are proud of you!

    Seek Him first and "ALL" things shall be added unto you!

    Love you bunches!
